

Go to Sales > Memberships.

When a customer joins a club, Members One will automatically create a membership record containing all customer and club information, this allows the system to automatically process shipments based on the member’s selected frequency and anniversary date.

Once a membership is created you should be able to view the membership by clicking the view button from the action column on the right-hand side.

Members One

Membership Action Items:

  • From the action menu, you will be able to perform tasks such as edit, skip, pause, or cancel membership. these actions enable to you take quick and easy control of the membership.

Membership Statistics:

  • On the membership profile, you will have access to a wide range of stats relating to the customer, ranging from membership information, selected club, selected frequency, shipping, order stats, and more.

Shipment Processing:

  • See an instant top-down level of the member’s upcoming and processed shipments, shipments are viewable by yearly only.

Members One

Automatic Data Sync:

This record is also synced with your eCommerce platform, ensuring up-to-date data.

Membership Number

This is a unique membership number assigned to the customer.

Customer Name

The first and last name of the member.


The club to which the member is assigned.


The member’s selected schedule, also known as the processing date.


The discount the member receives from the specific membership, displayed as a percentage value.

Next Shipment Date

The date for the members next scheduled shipment


Indicates if a membership is active, paused, or cancelled. The possible statuses are: Active, Paused or Cancelled.


Edit or view a club membership record.


View A Membership #

Go to Sales > Memberships > Action > View.

To see more membership details, select “View” from the actions menu.