Go to Sales > Memberships.
When a customer joins a club, Members One automatically creates a membership record containing all relevant details. This record is also synced with your eCommerce platform, ensuring up-to-date data.
Search for memberships using the following criteria: Customer Name or Email.
Customer Name #
The first and last name of the member.
Email #
The member’s unique email address.
Club #
The club to which the member is assigned.
Discount #
The discount the member receives from the specific membership, displayed as a percentage value.
Schedule #
The member’s selected schedule, also known as the processing date.
Shipments #
The number of shipments per calendar year.
Signup Date #
The date the customer joined the membership.
Status #
Indicates if a membership is active, paused, or cancelled. The possible statuses are:
- Active
- Paused
- Cancelled
Action #
Edit or view a club membership record.
View A Membership #
Go to Sales > Memberships > Action > View.
To see more membership details, select “View” from the actions menu.
Edit A Membership #
Go to Sales > Memberships > Action > Edit.
To modify membership information, choose “Edit” from the actions menu.