Go to Dashboards > Club Overview.
The Club Overview Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your club data, showcasing essential analytics such as:
Club Stats #
(MTD = Month to date, YTD = Year to date)
Club Sales MTD: Cumulative revenue from all club sales within the past month.
Club Sales YTD: Total number of club orders placed within the past year.
Club Orders MTD: Average value of all club orders within the past month.
Club Orders YTD: Number of newly registered club members within the last year.
Club Signups MTD: Count of the amount of club signups within the last month.
Club Cancellations MTD: Count of club membership cancellations.
Club Activity #
Club activity provides information on club orders that are processed within the last 30 days, when a scheduled order is processed it will be assigned one of the following Order Status.
Processed: If an order was successfully processed.
Skipped: If a membership has been skipped.
Paused: If membership has been paused.
Cancelled: If membership has been cancelled.
Total Club Sales #
Club Members #
Observe all your clubs in one place and see the number of club members for each club. Analyze the performance of individual clubs.
Top Club Members #
Identify the ten most valuable club members by lifetime value.
Club Scheduled Orders #
Preview upcoming club orders that are set to be processed by Members One. To view more scheduled orders, visit the Scheduled Orders page under Sales.
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